December 27, 2010

Multitude Monday...

"Come and listen, all you who fear God;
let me tell you what he has done for me.

Psalm 66:16 (New International Version)

178...He called me as a little child

179...He provided me with people acting as his "hands and feet" to encourage me along the journey

180...He passionately pursued me through my desire to find my own way

181...He helped me "remember" when our family went through a trial and I questioned his goodness

182...His compassions never fail (Lam 3:22)

183...He offers me hope (Rom 15:13)

184...He offers me peace as I trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3)

185...He is my Rock (Psalm 62:2)

186...He offers me new life in Him (John 3:16)

video: if you received this via email...please visit to view the video

December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas...

from the Mace boys...

December 24, 2010

Posing for the Camera...

Will...soon to be 9 months

December 22, 2010

Will Laughing again...

if you recieved this video via email please visit to view the video

December 20, 2010

Multitude Monday...

continuing my way to 1000 gifts as part of The Gratitude Community

142...building legos with him

143...his wheezing is all gone! need to go outside on a very cold and windy day from Mom Mom for the prize box

146...her encouragement to work on positive reinforcement

147...remembering faces, relationships as we address Christmas cards

148...him helping me put the stamps on the cards

149...opening Christmas cards and remembering faces, relationships

150...taking him to music class

151...seeing him do exactly what Micaiah did 6 1/2 years ago...setting up a drumset on the floor while the other kids marched around

152...hearing the little one "singing" in music class

153...husband and kid decorated tree

154...his forgiveness when my words hurt

155...dinner in Little Italy with our small group friends

156...hearing from a friend the difficult words that we need to work on some things with him

157...praying/talking with him about humility, compassion and kindness and remembering that my actions speak louder than my words

158..roadside tree stands because this year I'm trying to let g
o of expectations that are too much with our busy family right now

159...birds at the bird feeder

160...the boys excitement as they call out the names of the different birds they see

161...gently falling snow on outstretched tongues

162...santa hats

163...walkie talkies

164..."Nonny will you hold me?" from the second one

165...snuggling with him and telling him that God made him our "snugglebug"

166...him wanting to hear the story over and over again

167...Christmas chapel at school

168...realizing my nightmare (yes I have nightmares about things like the kids being dressed wrong for chapel) came true

169...realizing that there wasn't much I could do or maybe there was...

170...that Eli had a nice sweater on so we sent it via messenger to his teacher sitting next to him in the front row...yes it was at least 2 years too me it was better than the alternative...

171...that it was Joshua and not Micaiah because his personality accepts imperfections (I have so much to learn from him!)

172...hearing them sing "Go Tell It On the Mountain"

173...watching his arm motions and seeing his belly :) because he was in his brothers sweater

174...for the donkey in the Christmas play "I said the donkey shaggy and brown..."

175...making pretzel treats with them

December 19, 2010


"Pretzel Treats" as the boys like to call them...

the only thing better than eating them is watching the boys make them...

last year we added Christmas carols in the background and everytime Jesus, God or Christ was mentioned the boys ate something from the pile of treats (because I am slowly learning that life is short and sometimes you just need to let loose and have fun...don't worry I still have a long way to go!)
Will decided he would just eat the whole time...because as people like to say "He is definitely hurting for some food!"

until next year...

December 16, 2010

Just a Dusting...

but more than enough for an hour of fun...
Eli enjoyed eating the snow...

Joshua wanted to go outside and communicate with me via "walkie talkie" his Santa hat I might add...

but Will wanted in on the fun too, so when I stepped out to get a picture I came back to this...

December 15, 2010

Jib Jab Holiday...

Feliz Navidad...

Click on the link above to see the video...this is for our boy "Pedro"

Good Morning...

December 13, 2010

I Heart Faces Pet Challenge...

The theme this week at I Heart Faces is "Pet Faces" so I couldn't resist entering this one...

Tanner watching over Eli...

for more great photos of pet faces visit I Heart Faces...

Multitude Monday...

continuing my way to 1000 gifts as a part of the Gratitude Community

120...Joshua recalling his dream about an adventure with "The Cat in the Hat"

121..."She's pretty." "Yeah just like you Nonny." Joshua

122...his bright blue eyes looking up at me

123...a long nap that restores

124...a safe flight for him

125...hearing him sing "Mighty to Save" while he puts a puzzle together

126...fellowship with other women around God's word

127...warm tea on a cold windy day

128...afternoon silence

129...morning chaos

130..."I want to talk to Jesus. Can you call him on the phone?" Eli pictures of the boys all piled on the bed early in the morning

132...coloring with him

133...steroid for his wheezing

134...lollipops at the pharmacy

135...warm socks

136...laughing with other moms of boys about some of their antics

137...our first snow at home

138...good morning kisses from Joshua

139...Daddy's on his way home

140...we made it!

141...hearing his keys turn the lock in the door!

December 8, 2010

December 7, 2010

December 5, 2010

Multitude Monday...

As I sat and listened to the sermon about Mary in Luke Chapter 1...I hung on these words..."Way too many people are dying with our best still in us."

His challenge...simply follow Mary's lead and take God at his word because "Jesus didn't come to leave us the same or to leave the best inside of us."

"What if we didn't limit his actions to what makes sense to us? What if we dared to believe that we were meant for greater things?" I know one thing...the world would see Christ if this were true because as he said..."He does great things through simply surrendered people." Think of Moses, Jonah, Esther, Noah, and Peter just to name a few.

What was Mary's response after hearing that she would be used by God to bring the Savior to the world? A song of praise to God...

Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
For the Mighty One is holy,
and he has done great things for me.
Luke 1:46-49

so I choose to do the same...praise him for what he is doing in my life and pray that I will respond to his voice as she did..."Be it unto me according to your word."

I continue my way to 1000 gifts as part of The Gratitude community...

103...the promise of Psalm 3:5 "...the Lord sustains me."

104...a gentle rain

105...snuggling with him while reading a book together

106...him finishing my sentences because he knows the book so well

107...familiarity of boxes from the attic that bring the excitement and anticipation of Christmas

108...hearing him call the baby Jesus "Little Lamb" and arguing emphatically that is his name

109..."Joshua, why are all of the nativity people lying down?"

"Because they are worshipping Jesus."

110...Going to see the Nutcracker with Joshua's class

111...hearing his excitement as he exclaims "I love Tchaikovsky's music!"

112...putting together Jib Jab christmas cards and hearing the boys laugh deeply

113...watching and discussing the Nooma video Store with our small group

114...neighborhood traditions

115...a whole line of stockings hanging on the mantel

116...Simply Christmas "Believe" wow...if we could really get this the world would be a different place

117...cookies with friends

118...hiding notes in his suitcase

119...that he learned to clap and brought excitement to the whole family

December 4, 2010

Saturday Morning...

the way they like it...

Josh snuggling with Daddy...

Micaiah eating a specialty pancake while playing a game of Monopoly...
notice Micaiah's zebra pancake...yes Wes takes orders and is quite a talented pancake artist (this morning he made a whale, a bull, a peacock and the zebra)

Eli doing a puzzle...

all pictures taken with Wes' iphone...