Giving Thanks for His everyday gifts...
1515...time to clean
1516...laughing with friends about things from long ago
1517...that the Lord protected Wes from the nasty water meter hole
1518...belly laughing with the boys as Wes sings his newly written hit song "I Need You Housechurch" (all about falling in the water meter hole)
1519...a run with both, a workout!
1520...the smell of a clean room
1521...time to sit and journal
1522...a day without an outburst from him
1523...his attitude with tutoring and therapy enjoyable dinner out together as a family
1525...everyone ready for school before 8:15
1526...a rainy day that slows
1527...encouragement from moms who have been here
1528...the gift of "time"
1529...a leaf walk with Will
1530...pressing into the Lord after loosing my temper...He forgives and reminds me there is a better way
1531...going through Josh's baby book with him during a rough afternoon
1532...The David Crowder Band live
1533...snuggling with Micaiah as we listen
1534...hearing them sing "No One Like You"...seeing his eyes light up and remembering this video
1535...hearing Micaiah sing "Oh Praise Him" with everyone at 11:30 at night and praying that this moment stays ingrained in his heart for years to come
1536...waking up to large snowflakes falling from the sky
1537...the need for nebulizers slowly decreasing afternoon movie with the cousins strips of piles of kids
1540...laughing so hard I was crying with my cousin, husband, and brother and sister in law over old letters from my Dad
1541...listening to her voice during worship
1542...friends gathering
1543...watching cousins walk hand in hand
1544...cousins gathering for our neighborhood Halloween Parade all around the table (13 in fact) loving husband...beautiful inside and out

1516...laughing with friends about things from long ago
1517...that the Lord protected Wes from the nasty water meter hole
1518...belly laughing with the boys as Wes sings his newly written hit song "I Need You Housechurch" (all about falling in the water meter hole)
1519...a run with both, a workout!
1520...the smell of a clean room
1521...time to sit and journal
1522...a day without an outburst from him
1523...his attitude with tutoring and therapy enjoyable dinner out together as a family
1525...everyone ready for school before 8:15
1526...a rainy day that slows
1527...encouragement from moms who have been here
1528...the gift of "time"
1529...a leaf walk with Will
1530...pressing into the Lord after loosing my temper...He forgives and reminds me there is a better way
1531...going through Josh's baby book with him during a rough afternoon
1532...The David Crowder Band live
1533...snuggling with Micaiah as we listen
1534...hearing them sing "No One Like You"...seeing his eyes light up and remembering this video
1535...hearing Micaiah sing "Oh Praise Him" with everyone at 11:30 at night and praying that this moment stays ingrained in his heart for years to come
1536...waking up to large snowflakes falling from the sky
1537...the need for nebulizers slowly decreasing afternoon movie with the cousins strips of piles of kids
1540...laughing so hard I was crying with my cousin, husband, and brother and sister in law over old letters from my Dad
1541...listening to her voice during worship
1542...friends gathering
1543...watching cousins walk hand in hand
1544...cousins gathering for our neighborhood Halloween Parade all around the table (13 in fact) loving husband...beautiful inside and out

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