For the past few years we have made a "Gratitude Wall" in the house during the month of November...
when I was pulling things out of the attic a few weeks ago, I found our leaves from last year and couldn't help reflect on the how important it is to record His blessings...
today's list of thanks comes from our leaves on our family wall...

falling leaves...Mommy
great friends...Daddy
God...Eli and Micaiah
school...Josh and Micaiah
Jesus...Micaiah and Eli
his note waiting for me on my pillow after a long difficult day...Mommy
"The Earth is Yours" by Gungor...Mommy, Daddy, Micaiah, Joshua, Eli and Will (please take a moment to listen the song below by clicking on the play button)
Eli's hugs and kisses before work...Daddy
playing fort with friends...Joshua
seeing a falling star...Mommy
Mommy...Micaiah, Eli, Daddy
lunch with Ian...Eli
how he pulls up to the piano, turns it on and moves his little fingers playing across the keys...Mommy and Daddy

playing with Cassie...Joshua
"that Mommy is so beautiful"...Eli (oh, yeah he got dessert that night!)
talking with the boys about the seasons and how creation speaks His name (Rom 1:20) and hearing them "get it"...Mommy
the beautiful sunset...Eli
hearing the chant "Let's go Mace boys!"...Mommy
soccer balls...Micaiah, Joshua and Eli
hearing Will belly laugh...Mommy
that Poppy is so fun...Micaiah and Eli
sunshine, tea and good conversation with a friend and mentor...Mommy
his delight in the caterpillar...Mommy
when I was pulling things out of the attic a few weeks ago, I found our leaves from last year and couldn't help reflect on the how important it is to record His blessings...
today's list of thanks comes from our leaves on our family wall...

falling leaves...Mommy
great friends...Daddy
God...Eli and Micaiah
school...Josh and Micaiah
Jesus...Micaiah and Eli
his note waiting for me on my pillow after a long difficult day...Mommy
"The Earth is Yours" by Gungor...Mommy, Daddy, Micaiah, Joshua, Eli and Will (please take a moment to listen the song below by clicking on the play button)
Eli's hugs and kisses before work...Daddy
playing fort with friends...Joshua
seeing a falling star...Mommy
Mommy...Micaiah, Eli, Daddy
lunch with Ian...Eli
how he pulls up to the piano, turns it on and moves his little fingers playing across the keys...Mommy and Daddy

playing with Cassie...Joshua
"that Mommy is so beautiful"...Eli (oh, yeah he got dessert that night!)
talking with the boys about the seasons and how creation speaks His name (Rom 1:20) and hearing them "get it"...Mommy
the beautiful sunset...Eli
hearing the chant "Let's go Mace boys!"...Mommy
soccer balls...Micaiah, Joshua and Eli
hearing Will belly laugh...Mommy
that Poppy is so fun...Micaiah and Eli
sunshine, tea and good conversation with a friend and mentor...Mommy
his delight in the caterpillar...Mommy
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