"Most loving Father, whose will it is for us to give thanks in all things, to fear nothing but the loss of you, and to cast all our care on you who cares for us: Preserve me from faithless fears and worldly anxieties, that no clouds of this mortal life may hide from me the light of that love which is immortal, and which you have manifested to us in your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen"
The Divine Hours...Prayers for Springtime by Phyllis TickleGiving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts ...
1911...looking for him because it was "way too quiet" and finding him like this...

1912...boys giggling in the backseat over things like underwear and farts
1913...surprising them with a mystery ride to see their cousins
1914...cousins bowling and cheering one another on
1915...slowing to spend time before bed snuggling with Micaiah
1916...an early morning run as the sun rose in the sky
1917...Wills face pressed tight against the glass looking for me
1918...the sound of the water moving
1919...hearing these words..."I want you to play outside with me Mama"
1920...playing soccer with Eli
1921...Beth Moore on James 5:7-11 and Job 1:8-12 from her study on the book of James...
"He permits and sometimes even dictates difficulty for those in whom He boasts so that they will prove what He already knows is true. The Lord does not allow tests that He knows in advance we don't have the wherewithal to pass. He boasts in His faithful followers then lets them prove Him right. Sometimes the person most shocked by the proof is the human put to the test. How will we ever know what He's accomplished in us if He doesn't show us? And how will Satan otherwise be proved a liar in our eyes?...God knows how everything will turn out. And, for every single person who belongs to Him, it turns out well. We are not the exceptions. Neither our sins nor our sufferings are big enough to offset the ordered outcome."
1922...how he just snuggled in and let me hold him when he woke up with a belly ache
1923..."Shout your praise"...the first words he says in the morning upon waking...a reminder to worship
1924...Micaiah exclaiming..."Wow, Mom it feels like spring out here."
1925..."Look, Mom those birds are flying in a number 7" as he points to geese flying high in the sky
1926...outside alive with the sounds of spring
1927...how this is one of Will's favorite places to be...the musical heritage that my husband is passing to our kids...thank you Lord for his talents and how he shares them so others may draw closer to you...

1928... a morning text that changed the day...authentic conversation with a friend while the kids played
1929...seeing him pet "Dexter" the hedgehog
1930...the beginning of Lent and the reminder of my need for Him
1931..Wes and Will worshiping in the morning
1932...beautiful clouds in the sky
1933...walking by at just the right time to see the orangutans up in the sky swinging on the ropes...

1934...catching up with an old friend that God brought to my mind and hearing of their upcoming adoption
1935...a gentle rain that is a reminder to SLOW
1936..."Set a guard over my mouth, LORD;
keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3
1937...reciting James 1: 1-16 in an attempt to plant his word in my heart
1938...a morning where things are out of my control...the gentle reminder of my need for Him
1939...cousins snuggled close over a book at bedtime

1940...quiet conversation with my husband in the early morning
1941...the stirring in his heart and how he is seeking the Lord for wisdom
1942...a double dose of worship that soaks into a needy soul
1943...hearing the "r" word and my heart sinking a little and then His reminder to move toward prayer
1944...seeing this...

1945...a Sunday afternoon nap
1946...how a walk to the trains with two of them changed the day for me
1947...Sundaes with Lenten Lights
Love Beth Moore, and love your sweet photos of your family -- and even the orangutan!
oh these pictures...these words...so much joy to be had. The music ones make my heart leap. :)
I so enjoyed your multitudes list - especially those adorable photos of the little guy. I have a 2YO son and I love to catch him in his room, books at his feet!
Beautiful photos! What a sweet captured moment of your little one reading! A special heritage being passed along from your husband is such a amazing gift! Precious!
Loved #1933! What an amazing sight!
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