October 9, 2012

Multitude Monday (or Tuesday) #3456 - #3463...

"The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again

Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes"

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

...hearing/seeing Wes and Will at the piano singing and playing this song...

...answering the call of "Mom...will you snuggle with me?"...

...catching up with a friend after the kids are tucked in bed...

...seeing God's hand at work...

...reading this post  after I preach to myself...

"As for me, I want to be ready for anything. To go anywhere, do anything, and join my family into the wild goodness of following our Father. Leaning into change, instead of resisting it, makes the ride that much sweeter.
I can let go of the safety bar as we careen down the hill, or I can hold on for dear life—either way, I’m on a crazy ride. But in one circumstance, I’m reluctant and reticent, and I’m missing out on some of the fun. The other, I’m feeling the sway of every delightful bend."

...a weekend to paint...

...receiving pictures of them enjoying time at their grandparents...

...a walk to the trains with Will...