“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into
enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a
home, a stranger into a friend.” ― Melody Beattie
Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...
...hearing Eli play The Little Drummer Boy on the piano...
...his joy as he swings and watches the train go by in the distance...
...his joy as he swings and watches the train go by in the distance...
...catching up with a friend for a few minutes...
...Joshua's delight when Daddy took him to his riding lesson...
...family band practice for Christmas...
...a fun impromptu photo with Wes...
...God's and a little boys forgiveness for a not so great parenting moment...
...games with Eli...such a special moment together...
...a mid-morning walk...
...pulling out my corduroy handwritten recipe book from my mom to plan dinner for the evening...
...Wes capturing beauty on the farm...
...seeing him drawing the nativity scene this afteroon...
...making homemade hot chocolate with Micaiah (even though it wasn't the best)...
...iheartfaces December Photography Challenge that pushes me to think creatively...
...listening to Joshua play with the nativity scene as I cook dinner...
...Will's bedtime prayers...
...the older boys at work during afternoon room time...
...for bins and bins of Legos...
...backyard football between daddy and his boys...
...hearing Will say "Good morning sweet Mommy!"...
...tangible ways for him to understand the Christmas story...
...the Sunday morning sermon that reminds me that He is a God that sees...
...our neighborhood Christmas tree lighting tradition...
...Will at 6:50am "Dad I want to go to church and sing Give Me Faith!"...
...catching them like this while they wait for their doctors appt (notice Will is not in this picture...because he's running around the office in circles)...
...God's and a little boys forgiveness for a not so great parenting moment...
...games with Eli...such a special moment together...
...a mid-morning walk...

...pulling out my corduroy handwritten recipe book from my mom to plan dinner for the evening...
...Wes capturing beauty on the farm...
...seeing him drawing the nativity scene this afteroon...
...especially after seeing him draw this picture in the morning...
...making homemade hot chocolate with Micaiah (even though it wasn't the best)...
...iheartfaces December Photography Challenge that pushes me to think creatively...
...listening to Joshua play with the nativity scene as I cook dinner...
...Will's bedtime prayers...
...the older boys at work during afternoon room time...
...for bins and bins of Legos...
...backyard football between daddy and his boys...
...hearing Will say "Good morning sweet Mommy!"...
...tangible ways for him to understand the Christmas story...
...the Sunday morning sermon that reminds me that He is a God that sees...
...our neighborhood Christmas tree lighting tradition...
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