"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.
Hebrews 13:15
with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...
...Tuesday Riding Lessons...
...Will saying "That horsey is cute she is like a Will boy!"...
...watching him present his book report and all of his handmade items...
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...the way his brothers rejoiced in his presentation...
...reading this prayer in Streams in the Desert...
"Blessed Spirit, I give to You the entire responsibility of closing every road and stopping every step that is not of God. Let me hear Your voice behind me whenever I 'turn aside to the right of to the left.'"
...reading this prayer in Streams in the Desert...
"Blessed Spirit, I give to You the entire responsibility of closing every road and stopping every step that is not of God. Let me hear Your voice behind me whenever I 'turn aside to the right of to the left.'"
...spending Monday at the inner harbor after their homeschool aquarium class...

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...climbing to the top of Federal Hill with the boys and catching a glimpse of this view...
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...hot chocolate and prayer with a friend...
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...a morning hike at the boys favorite nature center...
...this view as we come out of the woods...the way the old tree creates a frame...
...dinner with a friend...
...seeing Wes read to the older boys before bed...
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...Will singing "Hallelujah" as he rides in the stroller through the memorials...something seemed so right about it...
...beautiful weather for a picnic near the monuments...
...enjoying the National Museum of Natural History...
...taking Micaiah to the National Archives...

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...belly laughing with Micaiah and Eli over Ryan's silly faces...
...Eli choosing to spend his morning like this...
...Eli choosing to spend his morning like this...

...hot chocolate and prayer with a friend...
...letter writing Friday...

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...a morning hike at the boys favorite nature center...
...this view as we come out of the woods...the way the old tree creates a frame...

...dinner with a friend...
...seeing Wes read to the older boys before bed...
...Saturday's mystery ride to DC...

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...Will singing "Hallelujah" as he rides in the stroller through the memorials...something seemed so right about it...
...beautiful weather for a picnic near the monuments...
...enjoying the National Museum of Natural History...
...taking Micaiah to the National Archives...
...Micaiah's facial expression as he looked up at me after looking at the Declaration of Independence...and then his comment "I love history!"...
...the hilarity/chain of events in leaving the house for our mystery ride with no diapers for Will (or so we thought)...
...dinner with friends followed by Jim Gaffigan at the Lyric...
...remembering how great it is to laugh and laugh and laugh...
...the hilarity/chain of events in leaving the house for our mystery ride with no diapers for Will (or so we thought)...
...dinner with friends followed by Jim Gaffigan at the Lyric...
...remembering how great it is to laugh and laugh and laugh...
...standing outside a restaurant in downtown Baltimore to catch the end of the Ravens game...
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...birds outside at the feeder...
...the boys yelling the names of the different birds they see...
...Miss Katie...
...watching Micaiah help me serve in the 2 year old class at church...how he was the only one that was able to calm a little girl that was crying for her Daddy...and when she would start crying again...all it took was an interaction with him...
...the teaching moment later when we were able to talk about how God used him today...
...feeling more and more that God is telling us what a friend recently shared with me about Abraham...to "Leave...and go to the land that I will show you."
...and then reading this..."This is the blessed life-not anxious to see far down the road nor overly concerned about the next step, not eager to choose the path nor weighted down with the heavy responsibilities of the future, but quietly following the Shepherd, one step at a time." Streams in the Desert

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...birds outside at the feeder...
...the boys yelling the names of the different birds they see...
...Miss Katie...
...watching Micaiah help me serve in the 2 year old class at church...how he was the only one that was able to calm a little girl that was crying for her Daddy...and when she would start crying again...all it took was an interaction with him...
...the teaching moment later when we were able to talk about how God used him today...
...feeling more and more that God is telling us what a friend recently shared with me about Abraham...to "Leave...and go to the land that I will show you."
...and then reading this..."This is the blessed life-not anxious to see far down the road nor overly concerned about the next step, not eager to choose the path nor weighted down with the heavy responsibilities of the future, but quietly following the Shepherd, one step at a time." Streams in the Desert
amazing pics, especially the black and whites of DC.
"but quietly following the Shepherd, one step at a time..." AMEN!
I was born and raised in Maryland so these photos were like a homecoming for me. So many memories of childhood, visiting all those same spots. Enjoyed my visit here today:)
Linda...if we could do just this!
Christina...so happy that you visited and "remembered" blessings from years before!
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