March 12, 2013

Multitude Monday #3879 - #3903...

"We must stand not with self-made strength but always leaning upon Him.  And our stand must exhibit a trust that would never dare to take even one step alone.  This will teach us to trust more."
Streams in the Desert

Today along with the Gratitude Community... I will praise Him for His gifts this past week so that in days to come I can look back and REMEMBER to trust the one who is the same and forever... unexpected "snow" day...

...all the boys home...

...participating in a writing group with a wonderful group of women that challenge and encourage me to move toward healing...

...Micaiah playing drums in the morning...

...Wes playing the piano at night... 

...Saturday morning breakfast getting to know a sweet sister in Christ...

...dinner with close friends...

...conversation that soothes the soul...

...taking time to help Eli "fly" on the front swing...


...nothing major came up on the inspection of our new house...

...thinking on this..."Trust God's word and His power more than you trust your own feelings and experiences.  Remember, your Rock is Christ, and it is the sea that ebbs and flows with the tides, not Him...spread your sails toward the storm and trust in Him who rules the raging seas."... husbands diligent work on the paperwork for buying our new home and selling our current home... brother and sister in law that aren't phased when I call at the last minute to see if Micaiah could come stay for the weekend to "kick off" his spring break...

...our front swing...

...a night out with talk long over dinner...

...his excitement over Beni's letter (one of our Compassion Kids in Indonesia)

Joshua's letter from his friend Beni in Indonesia! #compassioninternational

 ...our housechurch...and the willingness of friends to admit when they are not fine...

...reading this today...after reflecting on this very thought after housechurch last night...
"Jesus is in the business of making all things new...admitting our failures doesn’t make us immune. Or cancel the loss. Or restore the missing.
But sometimes saying it out loud is an invitation to the God who already knows to lay Himself down in our rips and tears and hold us together – often through the arms of our friends. The people who’ve heard us whisper, un-fine.
It’s time to be brave now.
It’s time."
lisa-jo baker

...warmer weather...

...afternoon at the park... 

...time of prayer for friends and their family... 

...finding this gem of me and my grandmother in the 80's...makes me realize how much I hate Alzheimers!

Me and Mom Mom.... #flashback

...brothers part 2...

...daylight after dinner...

...baseballs and bats...a sure sign spring is on it's way...