February 3, 2014

Multitude Monday #4486 - #4507...

“Gratitude begins when my sense of entitlement ends.” 

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts because His death on the cross is enough...and everything is a gift...

4486...a sweet babysitter that brings MLB Spot It for the boys...

4487...for a game that all three of them can play together...

4488...a long, late night conversation with my brother...

4489...for his concern and love even when he's far away...

4490...finishing a piece for writing group that continues the healing process...

4491...for my husband that lovingly edits and encourages...

4492, 4493, 4494...a warm fire, homemade brownies and great conversation...

4495...the excitement over a trip to meet Mom Mom for bowling on a Friday evening...

4496...how even when it takes us much longer to get there, because of traffic and the boys are tired, our patience is thin and tempers flare...they still look at the night as a success...

 4497...that the boys chose to "watch" the Remedy Club Tour Edition DVD by David Crowder*Band for our long trip home...good worship music for mommy to listen to after a long afternoon...

4498..."You Never Let Go" by David Crowder...

4499, 4500, 4501...a good book, a cup of hot tea and a quiet house...

4502...for warmer weather that allows the boys to play outside for hours...

4503...riding the fire engine with Will(even though he doesn't looked thrilled in the picture below, I promise he really was)...

4504...an afternoon with sweet home-school friends that encourage and uplift...

4505...a friend inviting Joshua over for an afternoon...

4506...snuggling up with this one and singing him to sleep (an extremely rare occasion) even though he said "Mom, myself is not tired."...

4507...week 5 of Project52 complete with my favorite kind of noise...


Heather said...

"a warm fire, homemade brownies and great conversation" Mmmmmm!
Then I started to copy/paste another and another and realized I was liking so much of your gratitude so here are a couple I can also appreciate :)
(visiting from Ann's)