March 7, 2011

Multitude Monday #414-477...

"Most loving Father, whose will it is for us to give thanks for all things,
to fear nothing but the loss of you and to cast all our care on you who cares for us: Preserve me from faithless fears and worldly anxieties, that no clouds of this mortal life may hide from me the light of that love which is immortal, and which you have manifested to us in your son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever."
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Springtime

I continue my journey to 1000 gifts as part of the Gratitude Community...

414...reading the prayer above rags for sick foreheads
416...a pile of rocks on the countertop (a boys growing collection)
417...surprise of sun
418..."Will you snuggle with me?"
419...a washing machine to clean "sick" clothes
420...boy waking from nap with "life" in his
peek a boo with the baby
422...waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes and remembering that there were more important things for Wes and I to take care of the day before
God's patience with my failures
424...boys outside playing
425...small chat with a friend
Psalm 67
427...hearing his worship music
428...watching him rub the silk over and over again as he doses off to sleep
429...a new day
Elmer Elevator and Squanto going to school
blog posts to answer his question "When will I be little?"
432...Eli and Poppy exchanging letters in the mail
433...sun shining and good music in the car
434...UNO with Eli class with Eli and Will
436...God reminding me to stop and give thanks as frustration mounts
437...the wind on my face
438...a doctor's support
439...batting cages with the boys

440...hearing little feet come down the steps
441...bed heads and boppy's rounds of UNO
443...fingerprints on the wall
444...husband grocery shopping
445...cadbury mini egg surprise
446...clean sheets on the beds
447...slobber on the screen door glass
448...putting clutter in it's place
449...loving teacher observations/recommendations
450...God answering my cry for wisdom
451...brothers offering forgiveness
452...the joy of looking for gifts in the midst of difficult days
453...stopping to pray aloud with everyone as anger rises
454...belly laughs as slobber pours
455...mid day text from my husband
the little gingerbread boy makes good
457...Micaiah as "Little Willy" in the story of Stone Fox
458...dinner with Wes
459...late night movie too! babysitting crawling across the room to reach up and "ask" to be held
462...a boys dream for the day as he looks outside the window at breakfast
463..."It smells like spring!" party in the car
465...boys in boxes
466...little boys delight in "flying" on the swing
467...little handprints on the floor at the grocery store from my big boy
469...clean van (thank you Wes!)
470...familiar sound of floorboards creaking as the glider rocks
471...toddler breath into sleep
472...sleeping in
473...worship at church reminding me again of God's message to me in
Matt 14:22-32 474...handwritten gift on my pillow help from a friend
476...a new look

"Your Love Never Fails" especially verse 2 and the bridge


Stef said...

what a fantastic list - and look at all those boys! I have 2 myself - and we LOVE uno and empty boxes!!

have a great week!

Sam said...

I love the smell of clean sheets too! (and my "baby" that smells clean is now 3, time flies!)

Christina said...

I have two boys and so enjoyed your list. Life with boys is a whole other world:)
Thanks for sharing!

Marianne said...

Your list is wonderful. Filled with memories and all those little things in life that is so easily forgotten in the big picture. I really need to get into the groove and do this myself.

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

I REALLY liked 447 -- slobber on the glass doors. Something I relate to all too well!!!! So glad I stopped by! I leave with a smile and I'm blessed!