I need to confess that this week has been difficult. I'm tired...a little worn out and feeling like I can't meet all of the needs that come up throughout the day.
I was telling a friend this morning that I feel like my "mom of boys muscles" are being stretched. Eli is crazy on his bike now (without training wheels), looking for "dirt bike jumps" and hills that he can ride on (he's had a few bad wrecks but gets right back on to ride just as fast as he did before), Joshua is also all over the place on his bike, Will is fascinated with going up and down curbs and running (which leads to lots of falling), and since the Ravens game on Friday night, Micaiah has moved from baseball season to football season and wants to play tackle football with his brothers.
It's really interesting because I had an internal monologue with myself today as I was watching Josh and Eli ride their bikes, Will run down the sidewalk and Micaiah punt the football..."Maybe it would just be easier if I kept them inside. I would be able to 'control' the chaos a little better. Things wouldn't be so difficult." And then I thought..."huh, control...there's that word that I struggle with so often coming up in a different area of my life." That's when I began to think on the things of scripture that I know are true...God's promises to me...
2 Corinithians 12:10~ "When I am weak, He is strong."
I was telling a friend this morning that I feel like my "mom of boys muscles" are being stretched. Eli is crazy on his bike now (without training wheels), looking for "dirt bike jumps" and hills that he can ride on (he's had a few bad wrecks but gets right back on to ride just as fast as he did before), Joshua is also all over the place on his bike, Will is fascinated with going up and down curbs and running (which leads to lots of falling), and since the Ravens game on Friday night, Micaiah has moved from baseball season to football season and wants to play tackle football with his brothers.
It's really interesting because I had an internal monologue with myself today as I was watching Josh and Eli ride their bikes, Will run down the sidewalk and Micaiah punt the football..."Maybe it would just be easier if I kept them inside. I would be able to 'control' the chaos a little better. Things wouldn't be so difficult." And then I thought..."huh, control...there's that word that I struggle with so often coming up in a different area of my life." That's when I began to think on the things of scripture that I know are true...God's promises to me...
2 Corinithians 12:10~ "When I am weak, He is strong."
Philippians 4:12, 13 ~ "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
1 Corinithians 13:7 ~ "It (love) always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
and what I feel like is my life prayer...
So the endless list of thanks continues...
Monday, August 15th
1239...hearing how he has put more of the Narnia pieces together
1240...understanding from others
1241...Eli learning to turn while riding his bike without training wheels
1242...how he finds my eyes in the midst of 2 boys screaming from sword fights gone wrong and bee stings and says "I love you!"
Tuesday, August 16th
1243...cool breeze on an early morning run
1244...our son's repentant heart
1245...that I responded with grace when 18 eggs ended up cracked on the kitchen floor
Wednesday, August 17th
1246...my adventure with Joshua
1247...an afternoon invite to the pool for Josh and Micaiah
1248...a family celebration for Eli (he is now completely independent in riding his bike without training wheels)
1249...the way he loves his little brother
1250...baking with Eli
Thursday, August 18th
1251...watching spiders in the windows spinning their food
1252...kisses from Eli
1253...reminder to be content
1254...excitement and anticipation for an upcoming Bible study
Friday, August 19th
1255...a morning babysitter (I'm tired!)
1256...Micaiah's art show
1257...Eli pointing out the sun peeking through the clouds on our way home
1258...his Ravens preseason excitement
1259...that their were an extra pair of shorts in the box
Saturday, August 20th
1260...motivation for a 10 mile run
1261...hearing this song and letting the words soak in as I ran
1262...the van showing up at mile 6 with the boys and Daddy cheering
1263...Micaiah running the last mile and Eli finishing the neighborhood loop with me
1264...a morning at the park as a family...football flying, bikes moving
1265...surviving a trip to the shoe store with all 4 boys to get school shoes
Sunday, August 21st
1266...His reminder to persevere
1267...her encouraging words
1268...his heart in wanting me to stay while he attended his friends party (he tried so hard to let me go!)
1269...pizza at the playground
1270...sundaes on Sunday
1271...finishing our read aloud
1 Corinithians 13:7 ~ "It (love) always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
and what I feel like is my life prayer...
Colossians 1: 9-12 ~ "Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us."
And then...Joshua came over to me and said...
"Nonny, do you know what God does? He never breaks a promise!"
Wow buddy, I can't thank you enough for being His vessel to speak truth and life into your momma!
I am telling you that no matter how hard this gratitude thing is on weeks like this....it continues to challenge me to see the things that He has blessed me with even when I feel like things are so out of sorts.
And then...Joshua came over to me and said...
"Nonny, do you know what God does? He never breaks a promise!"
Wow buddy, I can't thank you enough for being His vessel to speak truth and life into your momma!
I am telling you that no matter how hard this gratitude thing is on weeks like this....it continues to challenge me to see the things that He has blessed me with even when I feel like things are so out of sorts.
So the endless list of thanks continues...
Monday, August 15th
1239...hearing how he has put more of the Narnia pieces together
1240...understanding from others
1241...Eli learning to turn while riding his bike without training wheels
1242...how he finds my eyes in the midst of 2 boys screaming from sword fights gone wrong and bee stings and says "I love you!"
Tuesday, August 16th
1243...cool breeze on an early morning run
1244...our son's repentant heart
1245...that I responded with grace when 18 eggs ended up cracked on the kitchen floor
Wednesday, August 17th
1246...my adventure with Joshua
1247...an afternoon invite to the pool for Josh and Micaiah
1248...a family celebration for Eli (he is now completely independent in riding his bike without training wheels)
1249...the way he loves his little brother
1250...baking with Eli
Thursday, August 18th
1251...watching spiders in the windows spinning their food
1252...kisses from Eli
1253...reminder to be content
1254...excitement and anticipation for an upcoming Bible study
Friday, August 19th
1255...a morning babysitter (I'm tired!)
1256...Micaiah's art show
1257...Eli pointing out the sun peeking through the clouds on our way home
1258...his Ravens preseason excitement
1259...that their were an extra pair of shorts in the box
Saturday, August 20th
1260...motivation for a 10 mile run
1261...hearing this song and letting the words soak in as I ran
1262...the van showing up at mile 6 with the boys and Daddy cheering
1263...Micaiah running the last mile and Eli finishing the neighborhood loop with me
1265...surviving a trip to the shoe store with all 4 boys to get school shoes
Sunday, August 21st
1266...His reminder to persevere
1267...her encouraging words
1268...his heart in wanting me to stay while he attended his friends party (he tried so hard to let me go!)
1269...pizza at the playground
1270...sundaes on Sunday
1271...finishing our read aloud
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