"The secret to joy
is to keep seeking God where we struggle to see where He is."
Ann Voskamp
1649...little boys running around in footed jammies
1650...exciting possibilities
1651...the way he stops crying as soon as you start singing "Our God"
1652...Josh and Eli calling us up to see their decorated Christmas tree
1653...the way God reminds me of the important thing
1654...prayers answered
1655...a warm cup of tea
1656...bright sunshine in the early morning after days of rain
1657...his look of fascination as he watched the wind blow the branches of the trees
1658...time to be with a friend during her husbands kidney transplant surgery
1659...the sacrifice of a brother
1660...that Brent is feeling "amazing" with his new kidney
1661...promises kept
1662...hearts that are ripe
1663...the Lord's forgiveness and promise that there is a better way
1664...time to play with bokeh on our neighborhood Christmas tree (which I have heard is prettier than the National Christmas tree)

1665...my husbands love for me
is to keep seeking God where we struggle to see where He is."
Ann Voskamp
1649...little boys running around in footed jammies
1650...exciting possibilities
1651...the way he stops crying as soon as you start singing "Our God"
1652...Josh and Eli calling us up to see their decorated Christmas tree
1653...the way God reminds me of the important thing
1654...prayers answered
1655...a warm cup of tea
1656...bright sunshine in the early morning after days of rain
1657...his look of fascination as he watched the wind blow the branches of the trees
1658...time to be with a friend during her husbands kidney transplant surgery
1659...the sacrifice of a brother
1660...that Brent is feeling "amazing" with his new kidney
1661...promises kept
1662...hearts that are ripe
1663...the Lord's forgiveness and promise that there is a better way
1664...time to play with bokeh on our neighborhood Christmas tree (which I have heard is prettier than the National Christmas tree)
1665...my husbands love for me
#1662 hearts that are ripe - oh yes! love it!!!
Your boys are precious- so happy you are training them up in the way they should go :)
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