"Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
James 1:16, 17
Joining with the Gratitude Community to give thanks for every good and perfect gift...
1666...Will with a few of his favorite things

1667...making pretzel treats with the boys...a Christmas tradition

1668...a night out with my husband and close friends
1669...the Lion King and the creativity of the costume designer
1670...this quote from the Lion King..."Oh, yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it." Rafiki
1671...hearing Micaiah read scripture for Christmas chapel, so clear and strong
1672...celebrating Christmas with Grandma and Pap

1673...making gingerbread houses with friends

1674...our very own Rudolph and how he knows how to make us laugh

1675...a caring and compassionate emergency room doctor
1676...how she reassures when I am scared
1677...that his O2 sats didn't dip below 92% and require an overnight hospital stay

1678...having all my boys home
1679...slow mornings

1680...read alouds over breakfast and lunch
1681...the creativity of the boys as they try to figure out ways to dunk the basketball
1682...time to spend in His word...
1683...Micaiah's handmade note to his drum instructor
1684...the orange light of the sunset lighting up the tree
1685...boys counting deer in the field
1686...walking the lights of 34th street with the boys
James 1:16, 17
Joining with the Gratitude Community to give thanks for every good and perfect gift...
1666...Will with a few of his favorite things

1667...making pretzel treats with the boys...a Christmas tradition

1668...a night out with my husband and close friends
1669...the Lion King and the creativity of the costume designer
1670...this quote from the Lion King..."Oh, yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it." Rafiki
1671...hearing Micaiah read scripture for Christmas chapel, so clear and strong
1672...celebrating Christmas with Grandma and Pap

1673...making gingerbread houses with friends

1674...our very own Rudolph and how he knows how to make us laugh

1675...a caring and compassionate emergency room doctor
1676...how she reassures when I am scared
1677...that his O2 sats didn't dip below 92% and require an overnight hospital stay

1678...having all my boys home
1679...slow mornings

1680...read alouds over breakfast and lunch
1681...the creativity of the boys as they try to figure out ways to dunk the basketball
1682...time to spend in His word...
1683...Micaiah's handmade note to his drum instructor
1684...the orange light of the sunset lighting up the tree
1685...boys counting deer in the field
1686...walking the lights of 34th street with the boys
"boys counting deer in the field" yes! awesome! mine are currently out tracking big foot - again! :) determined lil guys-
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