January 31, 2011

Multiude Monday #238-260...

"The act of sacrificing thank offerings to God- even for the bread and cup of cost, for cancer and crucifixion- this prepares the way for God to show us His fullest salvation from bitter, angry, resentful lives and from all sin that estranges us from Him."
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

continuing my journey to 1000 gifts as part of the Gratitude Community...

238...a foot of snow

239...snow days where they all play together

240...the beauty of the snow

241...the reminder that "sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow" (wow..this video below of Jesus Paid It All...especially from 3:00 on)

242...6 people 12 times shot #1

243...dinner with old friends

244...moms catching up while boys are running through the house dressed up as pirates and swinging swords and the conversation just continued

245...seeing Will succeed

246...the beauty of baby fat

247...Google calendar

248...boys wrestling and belly laughing

249...games of hide and seek

250...game night with Wes (even though he beat me)

251...Joshua's mission to stop sucking his thumb

252...extra help when my hands were quite full

253...the ed psych report is in our hands...

254...overtired baby falling asleep on my chest

255...laughing with my husband about how you properly wake someone asleep on the couch and tell them to go to bed

256...the hum of the dishwasher

257...husband made pizza

258...treats on Sunday

259...carseats rearranged in the van

260...sun reflecting bright on the snow

video: if you received this post via email...please visit www.wjmace.blogspot.com to view the video


Erin said...

Thanks for stopping by earlier. We've been playing hide & seek lately, too. I just have to follow the sound of my 2 year old's giggling, and I'll find them every time!
There's just so much to thank Him for, isn't there?

Amber @ The Mom Road said...

I love the baby fat comment, so fun!

Rhonda Schrock said...

Oh, boy(s). How I do identify with you! I, too, have four boys, and as I tell people, "Some days, it's five, depending on what mood their father is in."

I so 'get' the pirate gear, chases, and general uproar. I so LOVE the pirage gear, chases, and general uproar.

Precious moments, for sure.

Waving and smiling,


Dorie said...

Great gratitude listing! We like hide n seek and playing games too.

The video was a blessing to watch. I love that song!

You have a lovely blog with wonderful photographs.