I don't know about you but I think we better keep our eye on Micaiah and Kyle...they're looking pretty mischievous in this picture!
Striped Chipmunk overheard Old Mother West Wind say that she had seen the Best Thing in the World...so he decides it must be "heaps and heaps of nuts and acorns" and he is on his way. He meets many animals on the way and each has their own idea of what the "Best Thing" must be...when they come across Johnny Chuck he says, "Why I don't know of anything better than my own little home and the warm sunshine and the beautiful blue sky." All of the other animals continue on their way to find it. At the end of the day they are exhausted from all of their running and Old Mother West Wind asks them..."Did you find the Best Thing in the World?" and they reply "NO!" To which she replys..."Johnny Chuck has it..."
Play time with friends, sunny day, picnic lunch and bright blue sky...isn't that "the Best Thing in the World" for these boys?
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