May 28, 2008


Others losses bring the pain again...

There are times in life when things just don't make sense...I want to understand, I want someone to explain these tragedies that are so difficult to bear...but the answers never come.

It's been over 3 years since the roller coaster began...the biggest challenge for me is to cast out the negativity that floods my soul when the innocence was lost.

Ann Voskamp puts it best when she says "Now everywhere I looked, I only saw all that wasn’t. Holes, lack, deficiency. One life loss can infect all of our life, a rash that wears through the fabric of our days, our seeing, with black voids, shadowy fissures, endless abysses." (Her post from today and yesterday are definitely worth reading...

And yet in all of this I feel the challenge from the Lord to "press on" and through friends and family I am reminded of His faithfulness in the past and encouraged that He is the same now...and so I choose to be grateful...beacause I am learning...that it really is a choice...