May 5, 2011

His Loves...

He is the one that keeps asking for "the dog with legs that can walk" fact that is what he asked for when we took him to pick out a reward this past winter...he walked the aisles slowly realizing that he may have to settle for something else.

He chose the "big doggie" and named it "Tanny" (no question why he was drawn to this dog and named it so resembles my Dad's dog Tanner that passed last year).
But just within the past month Tanny has become just as important as his one true love...blankie (also in the picture below).

Tanny is as big as him and something about the way he comes sleepily down the stairs in the morning with his blankie and Tanny clutched in his hands makes me melt. Not to mention the few times I've had to wake him from his afternoon nap and catch him using Tanny as a pillow to rest his sweet little head (yes, there are times when he is throwing a temper tantrum that I would not refer to his head in this manner).

Oh and I just realized there is one more of "his loves" in this picture...his yellow Brazil soccer shirt that was a gift from my mom this past Christmas. If it's not in the washer it's fair game in his book...and I'm not always great about the laundry these days.