May 12, 2011


such powerful words in this post from Ann Voskamp...When You're Burying All Your Hopes and is a snippet but please, if you have time, follow the link and read the full post...

"In this hard world, there is disappointment and there is death and there is dark and is it all only hard when we’re fooled into thinking this world is the only world we’ll ever get?

That is the paradox: this wondrous mess, this is it, right now, and there’s no waiting for another elusive life of perfection here, so we’ll laugh praise now, knowing that the real, righter, forever life is still coming, if we walk gratefully through our Christ doors of now.

Because when He busted back that rock, He said there’s another chapter to this story, so you can trust today’s plot line, and there’s a forever beyond now, so you can give thanks for right here, and for every dream seed we lay in a grave now..."