"You can’t get to joy by making everything perfect. You can only get there by seeing in every imperfection all that’s joy...
Ann Voskamp
Ann Voskamp
When I read the blog post linked above I couldn't help but think about the years I've spent trying to make things perfect...and how through trials that tested my faith and my inability to "fix" them...God confirmed in my heart what I deep down knew to be true...I CAN'T. He also confirmed another thing...He is Good...and worthy of my trust...even when things don't make sense.
This exercise in seeing God in and giving him thanks for the everyday things has definitely helped in my quest for joy in the midst of chaos/imperfection... so, I continue my endless list of thanks and pray for continued strength to trust Him.
1398...watching him look in the Bible for answers to his homework
1399...dinner and conversation with small group girls
1400...community around God's word
1401...seeing his brother care for him
1402...beautiful sunset
1403...his honesty at the doctor's office
1404...fall colors beginning to appear
1405...good news from the insurance adjustor
1406...his excitement in finding this

1407...wheezing that cleared up within a couple of days
1408...a beautiful rainbow at sunset
1409...opportunities to talk about how God never breaks a promise
1410...boys in puddles
1411...squirt guns shooting dirty, muddy water
1412...baths that cleanse
1413...the crunch of leaves underfoot
1414...an opportunity to discuss the importance of being honest
1415...boys playing 2 x 2

1398...watching him look in the Bible for answers to his homework
1399...dinner and conversation with small group girls
1400...community around God's word
1401...seeing his brother care for him
1402...beautiful sunset
1403...his honesty at the doctor's office
1404...fall colors beginning to appear
1405...good news from the insurance adjustor
1406...his excitement in finding this

1407...wheezing that cleared up within a couple of days
1408...a beautiful rainbow at sunset
1409...opportunities to talk about how God never breaks a promise
1410...boys in puddles
1411...squirt guns shooting dirty, muddy water
1412...baths that cleanse
1413...the crunch of leaves underfoot
1414...an opportunity to discuss the importance of being honest
1415...boys playing 2 x 2

hey Jenna,
this was refreshing and wonderful.
i really gleaned something from reading this--i CAN'T make things perfect, and through embracing and being grateful for the imperfect chaos, i can learn what He wants me to learn and what i most desire--true joy.
So much to be thankful for. :) When you wrote about trying to be perfect, I immediately thought of a book I'm currently reading.. Grace for the Good Girl by Emily Freeman. Have you heard of it? Anyway, it is so good and it speaks right to that.. it has been a big help to me.
Blessings and grace to you today!
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