The endless list of thanks continues...
...rain drops sparkling on the leaves
...wisdom from an old journal
...Will splashing in puddles
...reading time
...smooth IEP meeting
...M + M cookies at the end of the first day of school
...a neighbors help
...perspective husbands example of not holding too tightly to earthly things he ended the night playing Peace on the piano
...receiving his newsletter
...the waters receding
...puzzles with Eli
...hearing him share about reading The Magician's Nephew as a class to begin their Creation unit
...giggling with the boys over Micaiah's hiccups
...back rubs
...chapel with the boys
...a sweet friends encouraging words
...his diligence in cleaning up the basement
...the sun shining!!!
...this song
...his beautiful handprint with his signature (even if it was on the wall and door of his room)
...that he has started sounding out words

...the way he approached his friend

...wisdom from an old journal
...Will splashing in puddles
...reading time
...smooth IEP meeting
...M + M cookies at the end of the first day of school
...a neighbors help
...perspective husbands example of not holding too tightly to earthly things he ended the night playing Peace on the piano
...receiving his newsletter
...the waters receding
...puzzles with Eli
...hearing him share about reading The Magician's Nephew as a class to begin their Creation unit
...giggling with the boys over Micaiah's hiccups
...back rubs
...chapel with the boys
...a sweet friends encouraging words
...his diligence in cleaning up the basement
...the sun shining!!!
...this song
...his beautiful handprint with his signature (even if it was on the wall and door of his room)
...that he has started sounding out words
...the way he approached his friend
you have such a great space here. it's peaceful, yet full of energy at the same time.
blessings to you as you begin a new week!
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