June 25, 2012

Multitude Monday #3194 - #3213...

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

...hearing "Goodnight Mom"...

...the Motivated Moms app and how the boys are motivated too with their assigned tasks...

...Wes at the piano after we put the boys to bed playing and singing Our God is Able...

...backyard soccer...

...an evening walk...

...watching Micaiah at his drum lesson...

...Wes going after Excedrin for me before work in the morning...

...our painted lady caterpillars arriving...

...Joshua's conversation at bedtime...
 "Did you pray for a boy named Joshua?  
And then God made me? 
Yes He did.  And what do you think he said when he made you?
You will be called Joshua and you will have a Mommy and Daddy who love you."

...catching up with a friend at the pool while the boys did "crazy jumps"... 

...how our 2 year old keeps me humble (as if a mother of four boys needs any more humility)...

...painted lady caterpillars all in their chrysalides...

...enjoying the fireworks at RVR...

...playing a game with Joshua and his comment...
"It's a date...except we're not eating.  Dating is for eating with a son and a mom." (I hope he keeps thinking like this for a while)!

...our backyard digging site...

...clarity of vision...

...beautiful backyard hydrangeas...

...truth I needed to hear in Streams in the Desert...
"Knowing that God invites us to command Him to act reveals a surprising change in our normal relationship...what a distinction there is between this attitude and the hesitancy and uncertainty of our prayers of unbelief...think how often Jesus, during His earthly ministry, put others in a position to command Him.  As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, Jesus stopped and responded to two blind men who had called out to Him. ' What do you want me to do for you?'"

...the crib that held each of these boys for the last decade...


June 18, 2012

Multitude Monday #3171 - #3193...

"Let me shout God's name with a praising song, Let me tell his greatness in a prayer of thanks." 
Psalm 69:30

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

...daily nebulizers decreasing...

...cool mornings...

...homemade banana bread...

...the Holy Spirits conviction...

...important discussion and prayer with Micaiah...

...slow mornings...

...read aloud while the kids swing in the backyard...

...Josh giving Will the name "Boo Boo Baby" after he took a few tumbles on the pavement and needed a few band aids...

...how Will began calling himself "Boo Boo Baby"...

...our friend/babysitter Ms. Beth...she always makes things more fun!...

...enjoying an Orioles game/win...

...an interaction with the Oriole bird...he pretended to spit in his hand and then move Micaiah's hair out of his eyes!

...Joshua's infectious personality...

...an encouraging email...

...walking through parenting challenges with Wes...I so appreciate his perspective and loving tender heart for our boys...

...long pool days...

...popsicle stained lips...

...a very helpful meeting with his educational psychologist...

...Eli's grocery list...a picture of a monkey and a long line asking for Fruitabu's

...our "python hunters" that find a python in the backyard...

...how he puts this hat on all by himself and wants to have his breakfast just like this...

...a quiet dinner with Wes after the kids went to bed...


June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day...

to the CEO of the Mace team...We love you!

June 11, 2012

Multitude Monday #3150 - #3170...

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

...kickball in the backyard...

..."I like you to read to me." ~Eli...

...last day of school...

...classroom character awards...joyfulness and workmanship... 

...beautiful clouds in the sky...

 ...dancing with Will in the kitchen...

...how Joshua picked the safari hat at the Dollar Store when all the other boys picked candy...


...a text from Wes that they had all made it through and in one piece on the Upper Yough Rafting Trip...  

 ...prednisolone that helped Will to feel better...

...the sunrise that painted the sky on my morning run...

...hearing Wes' heart and his analogy on God's love for us using a difficult issue that we have been walking through lately...

...hearing all about the details of his trip away with friends...

...allowing the powerful words to soak in during morning worship...

..."you give the healing and grace that out hearts always hunger for...(words from the song Wonderful Merciful Savior)" 

...our front tree swing... 

...Micaiah's treasure hunt for the boys one afternoon...

...his hand drawn map...

...the best way to cool off after a 7 mile run...

...pizza at the pool with friends...

...everyone in bed by 9:30 (mom and dad included)...


June 4, 2012

Multitude Monday #3123 - #3149...

"Joy is the fruit of gratitude."
Ann Voskamp

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

3123...our families together...



3124...this video that makes me laugh...

3125...hearing Will yell for "Seefa" (Sophia)...

3126...Micaiah mowing the lawn...

3127...Will saying "cozy" when we pull the covers up at night...

3128...muddy feet...

3129...receiving a thank you note in the mail at just the right time...

3130...his Nutella nose...

3131...Ann's post that says "The secret way to heal a broken heart is to let love leak out like an ocean through all the cracks...the best way to tend to your open wounds is to open your arms.  Out-loving is the only ointment that healed anything." 

3132...my husband's constant love and support...

3133...how all three boys piled up on the examining table with Will when he was sick at the doctors...

3134...snowballs with "marshmallow liquid"...

3135...a new nebulizer when the old one stopped working...

3136...the boys forgiveness when we showed up at the school talent show just as it was ending...

3137...boys chasing fireflies in the yard after dark...

3138...seeing His hand in the midst of the difficulty...beauty in the mess...

3139...night time nebs that have me praying through the night...

3140...a beautiful morning for a 10K race...

3141...the promise of Proverbs 2:6..."For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."

3142...a heron...

3143...an afternoon spent playing in the back of Poppy's truck...

3144...how he feeds "Drankie"...

3145...life in the garden the boys planted for me on Mother's Day...

3146...watching and listening to Micaiah play the drums as Wes leads the congregation in worship on Sunday morning...

3147...my Dad and Micaiah...

3148...hearing about Wes' breakfast date with Micaiah...

3149...Wes playing a game of "tag" with the boys...