October 28, 2013

Multitude Monday #4237 - #4265...

"All beauty is subversive; it flies under the radar of people's critical filters and points them to God."

Today along with the Gratitude Community I list his gifts from the past few weeks because "there is a distinct relationship between beauty and the heart's search for God"...

...mums and pumpkins on the front porch...

...boys reading at breakfast...

...hearing this from one of the boys "You're a good mama"...

...piles of folded laundry...

...group study rooms at the library...

...backyard wonder...

...a neighbor taking Micaiah to school after he realized he was wearing Eli's shorts as the school bus came up the hill...

...the first (most difficult) part of his testing done...

...taking him to Build a Bear for a reward...

...this adventure with Will...
My view from here...

...hearing Eli reading in bed at night...

...Micaiah teaching me his ballroom dance skills...

...morning run as the sun rises...

#morningrun, #nofilter, #sunrise

...coming back from my run to my favorite breakfast already prepared by Wes...

...3D movie with the boys...
#3Dmovie time!
...an evening at to take a friends family pictures...

...coming upon this steam art by one of the boys after their shower...


...a night out with the girls from small group...

...Micaiah's latest lego creation...
Indy 500

...a family game of flashlight tag...

...finding this note from Eli on the dining room table after the boys left for school...
Found this on the kitchen table after the boys got on the bus...
...an afternoon jump with his brothers...
#jump, #brothers

...morning sunrise out the kitchen window...

#Sunrise, #morningrun

...The wisdom in this book... "The object of all great art is beauty, and it makes us nostalgic for God...art arouses in us a universal desire for redemption."...
I am loving this book... "The object of all great art is beauty, and it makes us nostalgic for God...art arouses in us a universal desire for redemption." #chasingfrancis, #goodword

...the zookeeper and his animals...

The zookeeper and his animals...the rockstar was still getting dressed! #kidshalloween

...trunk or treat at church...

...Eli and his daddy practicing piano...

...George Hopkins teaching on the trinity...

...an afternoon with writing group...

October 16, 2013

Fall Farm Field Trip...

We joined Will's preschool class at the farm today.  Will thanked God tonight before bed for the tractor ride...his favorite part of the trip.  Enjoy a little glimpse into our day...

October 15, 2013

An Explanation and an Instagram Dump...

Blogging lately has been a challenge due to time constraints with homeschooling and trying to make sure I get enough sleep each night.  The Multitude Monday posts continue to be so "healing" for me...my desire is to get back into a weekly post of 1000 gifts soon.  

Bear with me...I hope to get back into the swing of things shortly but until then I will post updates here and there.  Here are the latest Instagram pictures...

...watching him work through a book...
Such a joy to finally see him devouring a book...he has worked soooo hard! #homeschool, #1000gifts

...swinging into the sky...

...at least one of us slept well...
At least one of us slept well...


...Still work to do (like hanging the lower cabinet doors) but I love this look so much better...
Still have work to do but I love this look so much better!! #houseprojects, #refinishedkitchens

...the best way to spend a Sunday...
The best way to spend a Sunday afternoon... #1000gifts

...God's handiwork out our front door...
God's handiwork...#nofilter, #sunset

...Will's mustache and beard...
and he can't blame his brothers...he did it all by himself. #stacheandbeard, #hewantstobebig

...the boys all lined up watching for Poppy at Mile 13 in the Baltimore Runnning Festival...
Watching for Poppy at the halfway mark...13.1 @ 1:35 with 13.1 more to go! #baltimorerunningfestival, #mydadisfast

...the sole cheering section at mile 24...
The sole cheering section at #mile24...Go Poppy Go!! #baltimorerunningfestival

...celebrating success today...
Celebrating success today... #1000gifts

...macaroni and cheese or carnitas and gaucomole wrapped in romaine leaves?  He chose the carnitas...
Macaroni and cheese or carnitas with guacamole wrapped in a romaine lettuce leaves...he chose carnitas.  #whole30convert? #whole30