February 26, 2014

Multitude Monday #4535 - #4568...

"When we practice the presence of God [or practice paying attention] we will come to a point in our relationship with Him at which we walk in continual expectancy.  

Each moment brims with possibility of encounter and discovery.  We become conscious that each breath is given by Him, each word is spoken in His hearing.  

We drive down the street, stand at the sink, pluck weeds from the garden, hammer nails into planks, hang clothes on a line, write a poem on a napkin.  We preach, we pray, we sing, we weep.  

In all these things, God is present.  Whether we notice Him or not is a matter of vision, attentiveness, alertness-practice." ~Mark Buchanan, Your God is Too Safe

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

4535...the frame my husband made for our family picture...
4536...Eli choosing to read his bible daily...

4537...how he wants to "pray" (to him that's reading a story from the bible) at dinner and not until we all are settled and ready to listen...

4538...A conversation on perfectionism with Micaiah over his recent drum video...

4539...Mom babysitting so we could catch dinner

4540...time to slow and enjoy intentional conversation over dinner...

4541...a thoughtful friend taking josh to sled ride with her boys while I prep for my seminar

4542...an answer to prayer...a renewed relationship with Eli

4543...Joshua's profound statement after listenting to the "Glory of It All"
..."In heaven there will be no more ______!"

encouragement from a fellow sojourner on the topic of "uncovering the artist within us"...

4545...Eli saying that we should "disobey sin

4546...a treasured friend that leaves a note with scripture and a prayer for me to find...

4547...a weekend to "retreat" with a few of my favorite women...

4548...onion rings...


4550...biblical teaching that challenges and encourages...

4551...belly laughing with friends...

4552...seeing the fruit from taking a step of faith and believing that God had something to say through me...

4553...for Carey's vision and encouragement to press on when I almost gave up...

4554...women that are brave, vunerable and willing to ask God "what's next for me"...

4555...the power and healing that occurs in sharing our stories...

4556...Godiva Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt...a gift from a friend...

4557...texts from my sweetheart over the weekend...

4558...in-laws that spend the weekend with Wes and the boys and make the weekend more fun...

4559...handmade welcome home signs from the boys... 

4560...his excitement over how much he read while I was gone...
4561...my husband that shop vac's water from around the basketball court so the boy can play...

4562...Eli saying " I don't want people to know I love god." and the conversation that followed...

4563...Micaiah's response to his brother's statement...

 4565...bright sun...

4566...the three younger boys pretending outside in the yard for hours

4567...Josh and his "picture show" of all his pictures that he took from the weekend with Daddy...

4568...Week 8 of Project 52 complete...

February 21, 2014

February 18, 2014

A Drummer's Passion...

So in December, my uncle blessed Micaiah with a backstage pass to a Third Day show.  Micaiah was so excited to watch the concert from a different vantage point. 

He had no idea that he would actually meet the band and talk with their drummer, David Carr.  

 There are many times in life when we are given the opportunity to speak words of life into someone.  David Carr took the time that evening to talk with Micaiah.  He asked him some questions and then encouraged him to keep playing the drums because "the world has enough guitar players." 

 As if his words weren't enough, at the end of the show he signed the sticks he played with during the concert and gave them to Micaiah.  As you may imagine, Micaiah was thrilled and David's words fueled his passion for the drums in a new and exciting way.

Since that evening in late December, "band" at our house consists of Third Day's "Miracle" album on repeat while the boys, led by Micaiah on the drums, all play their instruments and sing.  

Here is a recent video of Micaiah playing "Hit Me Like a Bomb"...

Thank you David Carr...for taking the time to encourage Micaiah and speak words of life into his soul!

"Gracious words are a honeycomb,
    sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
Proverbs 16:24

February 17, 2014

Multitude Monday #4508 - #4534...

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life."

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

4508...science fun with friends...

4509...Bathtub fun with "Old Man Will"...

4510..."ugly beautiful"

4511...a fellow homeschooling mom that invites Joshua to join them for their Winter Olympics unit...

4512...that we have only had to use the nebulizer a handful of times with Will this winter...such a stark contrast to last years lung issues...

4513...a dear friend that pursues me during our busyness...

4514...his thoughtful valentine's day gift for me...

4515...heart shaped pancakes...


4517...Eli's notes back and forth in the mail with Poppy...

4518...an evening with a friend...

4519...Eli and Daddy's hot air balloon made with his straws and connectors...

4520...finding this note of Eli's musings on a clipboard in my van...
4521...hours and hours of "band" in the basement with Josh and Micaiah worshiping on their instruments...

4522...the house filled with worship when I need to hear it most...

4523...sleeping Eli...

4524...a valentine's day surprise from our lovely neighbor...

4525...the beginnings of a creative Instagram project...

4526...Eli's face when he realized how much it had snowed while he slept...

4527...Will pretending he is a snow train going through the tunnel that his brother made for them...

4528...my husband decides to make the 24 x 36 frame for our family picture...and he rocks it!!

4529...his constant example of taking risks and not being afraid to fail...

4530...this little guy and his big cowlick...

4531...gentle reminders to "find beauty in the unexpected" as I walk through the library...

4532...my husband singing "Sweetly Broken" by Jeremy Camp...

4533...this heart shaped valentine...

4534...completing 7 weeks of Project 52...

February 15, 2014

Week 7:52 {Focused}...

Our "Ent," the ancient shepherd of our forest...

 "But at the moment the hobbits noted little but the eyes. These deep eyes were now surveying them, slow and solemn, but very penetrating."
  J. R. R. Tolkien

February 13, 2014

Week 6:52 {Paradise}...

Enjoying winter "fireworks" this evening over #eastlochtree...

February 3, 2014

Multitude Monday #4486 - #4507...

“Gratitude begins when my sense of entitlement ends.” 

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts because His death on the cross is enough...and everything is a gift...

4486...a sweet babysitter that brings MLB Spot It for the boys...

4487...for a game that all three of them can play together...

4488...a long, late night conversation with my brother...

4489...for his concern and love even when he's far away...

4490...finishing a piece for writing group that continues the healing process...

4491...for my husband that lovingly edits and encourages...

4492, 4493, 4494...a warm fire, homemade brownies and great conversation...

4495...the excitement over a trip to meet Mom Mom for bowling on a Friday evening...

4496...how even when it takes us much longer to get there, because of traffic and the boys are tired, our patience is thin and tempers flare...they still look at the night as a success...

 4497...that the boys chose to "watch" the Remedy Club Tour Edition DVD by David Crowder*Band for our long trip home...good worship music for mommy to listen to after a long afternoon...

4498..."You Never Let Go" by David Crowder...

4499, 4500, 4501...a good book, a cup of hot tea and a quiet house...

4502...for warmer weather that allows the boys to play outside for hours...

4503...riding the fire engine with Will(even though he doesn't looked thrilled in the picture below, I promise he really was)...

4504...an afternoon with sweet home-school friends that encourage and uplift...

4505...a friend inviting Joshua over for an afternoon...

4506...snuggling up with this one and singing him to sleep (an extremely rare occasion) even though he said "Mom, myself is not tired."...

4507...week 5 of Project52 complete with my favorite kind of noise...

February 2, 2014

Week 5:52 {Noise}...

This picture of my husband playing the guitar, captures my favorite kind of "noise."