July 4, 2011

Multitude Monday #1045 - #1072...

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name."
Psalm 100:4

Joining with the Gratitude Community to "give thanks to him and praise his name."

Monday, June 27th

1045...that he stayed home to watch Will
1046...our kids learning about gratitude
1047...hearing over 100 kids sing out praises to Him

Tuesday, June 28th
1048...David Crowder worship in the morning
1049...thinking on Philippians 4:8
1050...snickerdoodle chex mix
1051...dinner out with small group girls!

Wednesday, June 29th
1052...boys and kazoos
1053...a super hot husband (looks like Wes got a hold of my gratitude journal but I'm going to add it because I agree)
1054...Daddy's breakfast with Joshua
1055...dancing with Will in the kitchen
1056...a chance to extend grace

Thursday, June 30th
1057...a hurting neighbor that I had never met stopping to knock on the door for support during the early days of motherhood because she "knew I had a lot of kids."
1058...Micaiah teaching Eli to throw and catch grounders
1059...prayer for a brother

Friday, July 1st
1060...that God gave me boys
1061...bags packed and waiting to leave for "camp"

Saturday, July 2nd
1062...a 9 miler!
1063...that Daddy packed up all the boys to come cheer me on although our timing was a bit off...it's the thought that counts!
1064...how Wes has a way of calming stressful situations
1065...that Napa didn't close until 6pm

Sunday, July 3rd
1066...God's reminders of his love for us displayed in the beauty of his creation (Rom 1:20)
1067...low maintenance friends
1068...perfectly timed rain
1069...fireworks lighting up the sky
1070...that Will laughed at them...I thought for sure he would be scared (gotta love this kids personality!)
1071...pizza mountain pies
1072...late night talks around the campfire