July 24, 2012

Multitude Monday #3248 - #3271...

"Did I ever tell you that the only difference between a good day and a bad day is whether you see everything as a gift or not?"  Ann Voskamp

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

...my mom's gracious offer to watch the boys for our anniversary dinner...

...cards/gifts in the mail...

...whipped Yukon gold potatoes with Berkshire blue cheese...

...a night to walk along the waters edge...

...stepping out of my comfort zone to bless another...

...deep conversations with the girls that know me best...

...low lying fog in the mountains...

...my dad's special birthday message to Joshua...life giving words...hidden for him to find when we arrived at the lake...

...well worn paths in the woods...

...geese in flight...

...time on the lake...

..the joy we all received watching Joshua enjoy the water...

...laughter and fun on a cloudy day...

...golf cart rides with Pap Sir...

...waterslide fun...

...time along the river...

...lunch with Grandma and Pap...

...a glimpse of His beauty right at my feet...

...reading this..."To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark.  In admitting my shadow side, I learn who I am and what God's grace means."  Brennan Manning

...Grandma and Pap's offer to take Will on an adventure for a few days...

...getting a glimpse of their love for one another...

...cool breeze blowing through the screened in porch...

...our small group taking up the 3 gifts a day challenge...

...God reminding me that you have to take the step of faith in order to see the blessing...



Unknown said...

Love seeing your boys and so many similarities w/ my four boys…
What a great summer it looks like you've had. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing your heart.