The boys and their friends enjoyed playing in the yard after trick or treating (as others were still trick or treating)...

in fact one little boy asked Wes if he could come back and play after he was finished trick or treating...
in fact one little boy asked Wes if he could come back and play after he was finished trick or treating...
The prince and the princesses on the "Queen Mary" sailing away (notice Micaiah changed his costume)...boy he loved playing the hero and saving these princesses (reminds me of Wild at Heart by John Eldridge, God designed him that way).
Eli was so funny...he took advantage of the kids playing and raided their pumpkins filled with candy. As you know, he loves to walk with things in his hands so he would take some candy, walk around until he found another pumpkin, drop the candy he was holding, get some candy from the "new" pumpkin and continue...I basically just followed him and returned the candy to the pumpkins...
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