January 3, 2013


...is a rarity around here.  

 I still remember listening to my cousin describe a pediatrician visit for their firstborn son (the same age as Eli our third child).  He described asking the pediatrician if they were bathing their child too much.  I busted out laughing as I recalled seeing our pediatrician and asking a question about frequency of bathing our baby too...although mine was quite different...

I remember asking him "How often DO WE NEED to bathe the baby?"   

Yes, secretly I was hoping that the answer would be once a week given the overwhelming feeling I had at the time regarding adding this to my list of things that needed to be done (at least a few times a week).  Needless to say I wasn't happy with his answer!

And then years later...a loving neighbor after the birth of her firstborn (the same age as Will our fourth child) called me to ask the "expert" (ha, ha) on how to bathe her baby.  She had read all the books about how but she just wanted to see it done...again I laughed out loud and said, "You may want to call someone else!"  She insisted so I agreed to having her over one night while I bathed Will.  Suffice it to say she felt a whole lot better about her technique after our little "teaching" session!

But then their are days like today...when I know it's been too long and the kids need bathed...so I decide to see the joy in the journey and not just complete the task...and I end up with this...

and then at least I have record of the last time they were bathed!