The excitement leading up to this celebration was beautiful. With Eli's newfound faith he marveled at everything and asked tons of questions. His childlike faith challenged me to appreciate things anew this Easter. It made me think about this scripture...
"“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
One of my favorite days of the church is Maundy friend, Wanda Bickers and her team put together a very contemplative, self-guided experience to help you prepare your heart for Easter. We decided to attend as a family this year which has it's benefits and also a few drawbacks. It was wonderful to see each of the boys process the questions/activities at the different stations. I had Will the first time through so I actually went back later that evening. Eli asked to go again. I loved walking through the stations with him. He explained what I was to do at each of the stations. I snapped a few iPhone pictures as we made our way through the stations. Documenting his excitement and childlike faith so we would "remember" this Easter for years to come.
Early Easter morning we continued one of our favorite holiday traditions. We tie strings from the boy's doorknobs ...they follow their color string in a maze through the house
to find their Easter baskets. We had family in this Easter so the maze was "easy" Micaiah said. I explained to him that we were afraid we would clothesline a late night bathroom user if we didn't make it easy this year.
Get ready for next year buddy!
"“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
One of my favorite days of the church is Maundy friend, Wanda Bickers and her team put together a very contemplative, self-guided experience to help you prepare your heart for Easter. We decided to attend as a family this year which has it's benefits and also a few drawbacks. It was wonderful to see each of the boys process the questions/activities at the different stations. I had Will the first time through so I actually went back later that evening. Eli asked to go again. I loved walking through the stations with him. He explained what I was to do at each of the stations. I snapped a few iPhone pictures as we made our way through the stations. Documenting his excitement and childlike faith so we would "remember" this Easter for years to come.
Early Easter morning we continued one of our favorite holiday traditions. We tie strings from the boy's doorknobs ...they follow their color string in a maze through the house
to find their Easter baskets. We had family in this Easter so the maze was "easy" Micaiah said. I explained to him that we were afraid we would clothesline a late night bathroom user if we didn't make it easy this year.
Get ready for next year buddy!
Eli took it upon himself to make things easier for the boys once everyone found their baskets...

There are only a few times of year where we actually dress up for church and Easter is one of them. There is an earlier post with a serious Easter picture of the boys but the one below is one of my favorites.
Joshua picked out his shirt and tie a few months ago when we were shopping for shorts for Micaiah. He was so excited to wear a tie.
Then we were off to church. Pat Goodman did an incredible job encouraging us to LIVE in the resurrected life. If you have some time please take time to watch the message here (click on "watch video" for Easter 2014).
His message begins at the 32 minute mark. The video they play after the sermon is worth your time (Wes sings over the video and does an awesome job.) It begins at the 51 minute mark.
Then we were home to finish making Easter dinner. I'm so thankful my mom did most of the work (because she is an amazing cook).
After Easter dinner, the boys played a game of baseball in the front yard. It's so wonderful to see buds on The Eastloch Tree!
We enjoyed an egg hunt later in the evening...this is the first year Micaiah said he didn't really want to do the egg hunt. Thankfully this is the first year we decided to fill a few eggs with money so he changed his mind really quick.
"Jesus had risen, just as He told them He would. After a criminal does his time in jail and fully satisfies the sentence, the law has no more claim on him and he walks out free. Jesus Christ came to pay the penalty for
our sins. That was an infinite sentence, but He must have satisfied it fully, because on Easter Sunday He walked out free. The resurrection was God’s way of stamping PAID IN FULL right across history so that nobody
could miss it.
our sins. That was an infinite sentence, but He must have satisfied it fully, because on Easter Sunday He walked out free. The resurrection was God’s way of stamping PAID IN FULL right across history so that nobody
could miss it.
On the Day of the Lord—the day that God makes everything right, the day that everything sad comes untrue—on that day the same thing will happen to your own hurts and sadness. You will find that the worst things that have ever happened to you will in the end only enhance your eternal delight. On that day, all of it will be turned inside out and you will know joy beyond the walls of the world. The joy
of your glory will be that much greater for every scar you bear. So live in the light of the resurrection and renewal of this world, and of yourself, in a glorious, never-ending, joyful dance of grace"
Thank you Jesus...may we walk in your resurrected life.
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