March 10, 2014

Multitude Monday #4601 - #4636

"Open my eyes,
that I may see the wonders of your law."
Psalm 119:18

Giving thanks with the Gratitude Community for His unending gifts...

4601...chore system in place using iAllowance that allows the boys to get excited about earning money...

4602...Steroids that help ease his breathing...

4603...finding him asleep in a baseball hat...

4604...warm sun streaming in...

4605...waking up without a headache...

4606...Lenten service...

4607...the idea of a jar filled with 40 days of "doing something"... email from a friend sharing this prayer...

O God,
let something essential happen to me,
something more than interesting
or entertaining
or thoughtful.
O God,
let something essential happen to me,
something awesome,
something real,
Speak to my condition, Lord,
and change me somewhere inside where it matters,
a change that will burn and tremble and heal
and explode me into tears
or laughter
or love that throbs or screams
or keeps a terrible cleansing silence
and dares the dangerous deeds.
Let something happen in me
which is my real self, O God.

Ted Loder, Guerrillas of Grace from friends with getting Joshua to homeschool classes/field trip when I'm not feeling well and the littlest one is home sick...

4610...texts between Nicka and I...

4611...setting "chime" alarms to read through "The Divine Hours"...

4612...hearing Josh and Will singing "Neverending"...

4613...this picture from Eli's teacher...reading at recess...

4614...marveling at Michalangelo and Davinci with Joshua as we begin to study the Renassaince...

4615, 4616...Will saying that my prayer reminder sounds like a rainbow...and I think how fitting because rainbows remind us that God keeps His promises...

4617...Micaiah trying to build Will his "Polar Express mountain" for his trains...

4618...Micaiah's joy in Will saying "I want to be with my friend Micaiah!"...


4619...Eli's joy in reading...

4620...a neighborhood bike ride with a few of the boys on a warm day... bake cookies...

4622...friends surrounding us and lifting us up in prayer...

4623...reading a book that gives me a new 

appreciation/understanding of one of our kids personalities...

4624...the warm sun on my face...

4625...that he keeps himself busy while I tend to his older brother with a fever...even if it means that his room looks like this when the hour is up...

4626...the sunset through our bedroom window screen one evening... afternoon with Joshua to photograph him as he plays...

4628...walking around Annapolis and the United States Naval Academy on a sunny day...

4629, 4630...coming across this close baseball game (Navy vs. Towson)...the boys excitement when we were able to stop to watch the last three innings...

4631...the umpire that offered each boy a baseball to take home...

4632, 4633...taking a picture for him so he could see the ketchup and mustard on his he laughs...

4634...a little boy asleep with his baseball

4636...this scripture 
"The words of the Lord are pure words, 
like silver refined from ore and purified seven times in the fire." ~Psalm 12:6


Anonymous said...

I love steroids that ease the breathing, and I join you in this beautiful prayer. Stopping by to visit from Ann's place. Have a great week!